Mentor Quote -Carlos Villalta

“What happened to your strong pride? It doesn’t feel good to be bothered and be seen as a target right, so sit down and nothing will be done about it”. Those were the words of a Gym teacher after I told them about another situation that was getting out of hand. Prior to this I was being picked on by someone who was known for invading student’s personal life. Students knew him as a “bully” but his appearance seemed innocent that teachers would not believe those complains and just go on with their day.

Until one day in school that person put his hands on me until I had to do defend myself. When the teachers arrived I was the only one standing up so they immediately thought that I initiated the physical altercation and during the interrogation they would only listen to that person because of how hurt he seemed and also because I’m hispanic so they didn’t think I knew English. That person lied about what actually happened and the only question they asked me was why didn’t I speak up before the altercation happened but I did and I knew the teachers wouldn’t accept their faults. The next week I spoke up and told them that someone was trying to initiate another altercation and his response is the quote

This is the first time I talk about what he said to me because I always took it personal and as I went to sit down I realized that there will always be trouble no matter what I do so I began doing things differently. I practiced on my literature and had a more respectable approach towards anyone. A valuable lesson I learned is to be the bigger person and how I can avoid those unnecessary events. I needed to hear that because I know I wouldn’t target anyone and even worse have pride in it so I worked for myself. I worked to be the captain of a baseball team, I joined the teacher’s swimming team and he called me a great potential, he would hear teachers speak nice about me. On the other hand the “bully” kept harassing students and was known for lying so the teachers would realize whose story was actually true. Eventually the teacher said to me “you’re a good kid don’t forget that”. Yet he doesn’t recall what he said to me about my pride but I know what I heard, people can have a different memory of the exact same event it’s just how you receive it and what you do with it.

3 thoughts on “Mentor Quote -Carlos Villalta”

  1. Your story is an excellent illustration of how to make the best out of a difficult circumstance. You overcame unjust treatment and a difficult environment, but you refused to let that stop you. Instead, you concentrated on bettering yourself and demonstrating your power and maturity by dominating sports like baseball and swimming. It’s obvious that how you handle hardship shapes who you are more than the hardship itself. It’s admirable how you’ve been able to grow and get respect from your experiences. Continue inspiring yourself and other people with your path!

  2. I’m glad you learned to not let the teachers words or anyone’s have such an affect on you, and took the negative energy received from it, turning it into ambition to better yourself. It’s inspiring and moving forward if I’m ever faced with a negative situation where someone is trying to put me down or otherwise, I will think back to your story and follow in your footsteps. Not letting their words deeply affect me, and instead focusing on myself and the betterment of me. Thank you.

  3. Ok you might have the beginning of a story here. I see you are trying to show me a story about a fight with a bully. 

    What is the important transformative event here: Could this be the time you learned how to handle being bullied as non-English speaker at high school? How a bully showed you that you were not proud / confident enough?  AND THEN – The story is about the way you became a leader at your school and transformed yourself into a stronger version of yourself that was respected by teachers and other students. That could be the story line! So what events could lead your reader through this story line?

    (WHEN did this happen — was it high school?). WHO was “this person” this bully – name (or invented name)? HOW did it happen in gym – were you playing basketball when he purposefully pushed you out? SHOW me the fight (was it a fight?).

    NEED CSD Concrete Specific Details so your reader can get a picture! SHOW me; don’t just tell me. WHO was the teacher who told you to just forget it? THEN how did you take it that this authority figure was not taking this seriously but telling you to just get on with life? HOW did you feel. WHAT did you do in the moment?

    Think back into your memory and find that scene and describe it!

    WHAT exactly were the steps you took to make things right? What do you mean exactly by “practiced on my literature”? did you start reading books, literature? About WHAT? 

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