Sept 8 Sunday

  1. Look at the. Weekly Schedule to see  MOnday’s reading — Bring to class and be ready to discuss:

Colin Powell:  “My American Journey” Find in Open Lab course site under Readings (page 90-97)

  • Everyone to:  Printout, Read, Annotate, and Vocabulary (look up new words).
  • Groups ONE and TWO: Prepare Master Vocabulary for the reading. Due on the Google Drive by tonight.  (You can look at previous semester group work as example in the GDrive. )
  • USING RLW — We will look at the writer’s use of details and descriptive language to SHOW and not just tell.
  • We will study how writers do scene building.
  1. I see some students have not yet successfully joined our class site. Everyone needs to be on the open lab and joined as a member to our class site.  Please make sure you are joined now while the class is still open and public.  Soon, I am going to switch our class settings to make it private.

3. I am finished reading all the introductions for everyone who posted on time and who were late (it’s ok to be late for these first HWS, but please now let’s get on track and be on time!)

Please make sure you use the correct category when you post Open Lab HWs.  If you don’t, I may be unable to find yours when I pull up the HWs from the teacher end of Open Lab.

Today I will finish reading HW 3, your first writing HW which was due on Friday.

4. I am happy to read all the friendly and kind and supportive comments from our new community as we build this class.  Kudos to those students who are “up and running” on Open Lab and posting HWs and comments!  Keep it up. 

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