Source Entry for Schools Kill Curiosity —zhanglin Li

Part 1:  MLA Citation:

Berliner, Wendy. “‘Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, 28 Jan. 2020. The Guardian

Part 2: Summary:

Wendy Berliner examines in “Schools Are Killing Curiosity, Why We Need to Stop Telling Kids to Shut Up and Learn,” how the contemporary educational system stifles children’s originality and curiosity. According to her, schools frequently place an emphasis on discipline and standardized teaching techniques, which stifles pupils’ natural curiosity and spirit of inquiry.
Berliner underlined that education should not only transmit knowledge but also promote inquiry and discovery. Overall, Berliner’s work encouraged a reappraisal of the fundamentals of education and suggested a student-centered learning strategy to support children’s holistic development.

Part 3: Rhetorical Analysis

The author of ‘Schools Are Killing Curiosity’ argues, in this informative and thought-provoking rhetorical analysis, that mainstream educational methods stifle pupils’ natural curiosity. You are asked to examine and analyse how the author – through emotional appeals or the use of pathos, logical reasoning or logos, and anecdotal data – reveals how encouraging curiosity can benefit learning outcomes and critical thinking skills.A rigid education system turns out lifeless adults, say the author. An atmosphere that encourages questions rather than stifles them is needed.

Part 4: Notable Quotables

“School kills curiosity. When do children get to ask questions about things that interest them? As soon as they are atprimary school they have to shut up and learn, lt’s not the fault of teachers, They have so many targets to meet”(Wendy Berliner)

How to Succeed at School: Separating Fact fom Fiction.(Wendy Berliner)

The children took to the new objects fmmediately, making slides for building blocks with guttering, dens and spaceship!with cardboard boxes and having conversatlons y ith imag snaes people on old phones. (Wendy Berliner)

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