Sept 23 Monday post-class

Everyone should make an appointment ASAP with the Writing Center. Get an appointment for next week at the latest.  This tutoring is REQUIRED! 

The Rough Draft Ed Narrative is due Sunday night Sept 29 on the Google Drive.  See the UNIT ONE ASSIGNMENT for full details.

You should be in turbo-mode and writing hard!  By Sunday night you will submit your Rough Draft and Monday you will bring TWO hard copies to class. 

HW 7 Due Tonight Monday September 23

Choose ONE student example Education Narrative (Go to Ed Narrative Resources sidebar to left of Unit One Assignment on the Assignments page). 

  • Title:  Analysis of Student Example – Your Name
  • Category:  Analysis of Student Example Ed Narrative
  • Identify THREE good things (or writerly techniques) this student writer did that you will do in your own writing.  

Tell me which Student Example Education Narrative you are analyzing.  Then write your three things using complete sentences.


No need to comment on student peers for this HW.

So that you can choose accordingly, here is a brief run-down of the student example essays:

  1. Omar uses MENTOR QUOTE to write a great opening (note: this is NOT a full essay, so read to study the opening, but choose another).
  2. Eve writes about TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS and not fitting in at her dream college.
  3. Gilbert writes about how wrestling SAVED him.
  4. Bithiah writes about how volleyball SAVED her.
  5. Adrian starts with MENTOR QUOTE to show how Tech Club SAVED him.
  6. Sangay shows how she navigated TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS of her Asian culture and her new American culture.
  7. Meryam starts with MENTOR QUOTE to show how her mother SAVED her.
  8. Amadou shows how he navigated TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS of his African and American cultures.
  9. Fan starts with MENTOR QUOTE and shows how he navigated TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS of his Chinese and American cultures.

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