Opening for Ed Narrative – Jazmyn

May 8th, 2019. The school air of my middle school was just as musty and dry as usual. Certain students with their overbearingly loud voices, recording their cringey videos against the lockers and throwing broken pencils at each other. God forbid you even think about suggesting to anyone to use their “Level 2”, otherwise “inside” voice. A select few, including myself, were actually listening to what Ms. Young had to say. The way she sat in the corner of her decaying wooden desk, wearing a fierce frown that only seemed to spread the more she watched us. She had no control over the 26 of us, and she knew it. Even if listening to her consisted of keeping my head down and doodling on the corner of my paper quietly, I was definitely one of the better students.

Despite that, I couldn’t help but keep my eye on the clock on the side of the wall, eagerly awaiting fourth period lunch for them all to leave. Funnily enough, fourth period lunch was a kind of saving grace no matter the type of student you were. Everyone else left, and I stayed behind in the room with a few other kids who were deemed “good” enough. It genuinely seemed like a win-win situation, until she stumbled up to the front center of the room and clapped her hands five times, the usual signal to get the class to settle down. I was surprised it worked the first time, only to then notice that it was approaching 12:45pm, lunch time.

“Okay, so, everyone quiet down, and listen to the upcoming announcement.”
I watched the rest of the students exchange glances. We had no idea why Ms. Young felt the need to announce it, as we usually just stopped regardless whenever it happened.

The worn-down speaker crackled to life, piercing our ears for a few seconds when it turned on. “Class 7A, 7B, 7C, and 7D are all having inside lunch and recess for the rest of the month.”

1 thought on “Opening for Ed Narrative – Jazmyn”

  1. Good — I think you are on the right track!

    Here a few edits:

    (please watch out for unclear pronoun references)

    May 8th, 2019. The school [delete] air of my middle school [homeroom] was just as musty and dry as usual. Certain students with their overbearingly loud voices, recording their cringey [?] videos against the lockers and throwing broken pencils at each other. God forbid you even think about suggesting to anyone to use their “Level 2”, otherwise “inside” voice. A select few, including myself, were actually listening to what Ms. Young had to say. The way she sat in the corner of her decaying wooden desk, wearing a fierce frown that only seemed to spread the more she watched us. She had no control over the 26 of us, and she knew it. Even if listening to her consisted of keeping my head down and doodling on the corner of my paper quietly, I was definitely one of the better students.

    Despite that, I couldn’t help but keep my eye on the clock on the side of the wall, eagerly awaiting fourth period lunch for them all [unclear pronoun WHO?] to leave. Funnily enough, fourth period lunch was a kind of saving grace no matter the type of student you were. Everyone else left, and I stayed behind in the room with a few other kids who were deemed “good” enough. It [inclear pronoun – it= what?] Staying for special lunch hour in Ms. Young’s room] genuinely seemed like a win-win situation, until she [Ms. Young] stumbled up to the front center of the room and clapped her hands five times, the usual signal to get the class [group – since most of the class went to lunchroom, right?] to settle down. I was surprised it worked the first time, only to then notice that it was approaching 12:45pm, lunch time [confusing time-line – lunch had already started because most students were not in this special room, right?].

    “Okay, so, everyone quiet down, and listen to the upcoming announcement.”

    I watched the rest of the students exchange glances. We had no idea why Ms. Young felt the need to announce it [draw attention], as we usually just stopped regardless whenever it [unclear pronoun –what? a loudspeaker announcement] happened.

    The worn-down speaker crackled to life, piercing our ears for a few seconds when it turned on. “Class 7A, 7B, 7C, and 7D are all having inside lunch and recess for the rest of the month.”

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