August 31 Saturday

  1. I noticed that many of you have already signed up as members on our Open Lab class site.  Great!  If you have not, please do so RIGHT NOW.  This is a fast moving class and you are putting yourself at risk of falling behind.
  2. Remember HW 1 Introduction is due by tomorrow Sunday and your comments to two student peers due by Monday. All on the Open Lab.

Great to those of you who have already done your Intros and to those of you already commenting and meeting each other online.  We are building community in this way.  I am already reading your introductions and finding out that we have a lot of interesting people in our class!

3. Now I am announcing HW 2 on Tips for College Success. We do not have class on Monday, but you have this HW due Monday night.

Open Lab HW 2: 

  • Use the Title:  Success Tips – Your Name. 
  • Use the Category:  College Success (Please always choose only ONE category).
  • Due Monday 9/2 by midnight.   
  • Due Tuesday 9/3 by midnight: Comment on two student peers. 

Watch this presentation/slideshow on Tips for College Success.

Don’t worry it’s not long, but what it is, is an invaluable list of nine (9) tips to help you do well this semester!

Choose TWO tips that you will start using.  Explain why this tip is significant personally or why it speaks to you personally.  How will you use this tip in this class?  What will you do differently now?  You may want to explain what you used to do that you now realize needs changing.  Then do the same for your second chosen tip. Write one paragraph of 6-7 sentences for each of your TWO tips.

Present your HW clearly by designating:

Tip 1:

Tip 2:


We are off and running.  Please DO:
  1. If you haven’t already done so, please get your City Tech email up and running. Get your Open Lab (OLab) account and join our class as a member (instruction links on Home page).
  2. Browse around our Open Lab (OLab) class site and explore what’s there and how to navigate your way. Pay attention to Home and Syllabus and Weekly Schedule pages.
  3. There’s a lot of material on our Open Lab class site. I won’t expect you to know everything right away but get started now and familiarize yourself.
  4. READ ANNOUNCEMENTS every day. Sometimes I post even when there is no class, so check regularly.
  5. Get your New York Times and Wall Street Journal digital subscription and your Microsoft Office Suite — both free as a CUNY students. Links on the Syllabus.

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