RAB Proposal Paragraph (updated) — Edwin

My research question is: How does inflation affect the car market?

This topic interests me because I have been looking for a car. As I grow older and continue to have more responsibilities, I would like to buy a car. This not only helps me to get from point A to point B but, also keeps a roof over my head. Inflation began to be an issue when I started to see huge markups in the car market. Not only does it affect the price of just buying the car, but it also makes gas prices and insurance rise. Inflation is so high since the demand for everything is up and the supply is low. I know that the markup is also because of covid-19, but this was because the manufacturers shut down and stopped production. When covid-19 first started the world had stopped and that caused us to have chip shortages and resources were scarce. I want to find out more about how inflation affects the car market and how these car companies can proceed with manufacturing cars. I also want to know how we, the consumers, are supposed to deal with the markups from car dealerships and the used car market. I also want to research the inflation of gas prices and insurance. 

My two sources:

“The impact of inflation on the cost of owning a car.”: Written by Lizzie Nealon and Edited by Maggie Kempken https://www.bankrate.com/insurance/car/inflation-and-rising-car-costs/

“Why Is Inflation So High?” Written by: Wayne Duggan  Edited by: Benjamin Curry https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/why-is-inflation-rising-right-now/

6 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph (updated) — Edwin”

  1. Besides the effects of covid-19, I am very interested into reading about your proposal based on inflammation with cars. And also learning more about why inflammation effects marketing of buying a car

  2. Sharing some more possible sources for you!

    This one looks good: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/21/business/economy/inflation-car-market.html

    One from Bloomberg News: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-02-08/surprise-used-car-price-jump-adds-to-fed-s-worries-on-inflation?leadSource=uverify%20wall

    AND: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/13/used-car-prices-are-down-3point3percent-from-a-year-ago-per-inflation-data.html

    I think finding these articles makes your RQ look better and better. I think it’s do-able!

    Can you revise your Proposal Paragraph for clearer language? For example: we did not have everything in routine. Huh? What does that mean? Be clear in your writing!

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