Douglass and Resilience – Edwin

Part A:

In the autobiography “Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass” on page three, paragraph one it says, “As I writhed under it, I would at times feel that learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing. It had given me a view of my wretched condition, without the remedy. It opened my eyes to the horrible pit, but to no ladder upon which to get out. In moments of agony, I envied my fellow-slaves for their stupidity. I have often wished myself a beast.” 

This quote demonstrates Frederick’s harsh position that he was in while being a slave. Learning to read and write only made his desire to leave his plantation even greater after noticing what he has been missing out on this whole time. After his mistress had taught him not only to read but also how to write it left him with the hope to someday escape. He also wished he didn’t learn to read and that he could go back to his prior self without the ability to write just like his peers. As for Douglass being resilient, he was able to surpass this pain deep in his heart challenging himself to push through.

Part B:

A challenging moment in my life when I can relate to Douglass’s situation was when I had broken my ankle. A fair few years ago back in my freshman year of high school, I decided to play basketball as anyone else would in a gym class. Unfortunately on this day, my world changed entirely. Everything stopped as my body hit the ground and was not able to get back on my feet. Crying in pain as I was escorted out into the nurse’s office little did I know it would take me months to be able to walk again. At that moment I thought my life was over and I would never be able to walk again. After weeks of therapy and questioning myself why did I decide to play that day, I was down the line able to walk again. This experience hasn’t knocked me down thus far and I will never let it. I learned that patience and hope are key, you just have to see it for how it is and become resistant to any challenges that come your way.

2 thoughts on “Douglass and Resilience – Edwin”

  1. Part A: look at the example I put in Announcements on how to do this HW. You need to translate the writer’s words — sentence by sentence in your own words.

    Good story about your ankle. You say it took months and Aweeks of therapy? What were some of the therapy exercises and mental attitudes you practiced and how did they help you to be resilient in your attitude?

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