Douglass and Resilience – Bithiah

Part A

“I was too young to think of doing so immediately; besides, I wished to learn how to write, as I might have occasion to write my own pass. I consoled myself with the hope that I should one day find a good chance. Meanwhile, I would learn to write.,” (paragraph 8).

The first sentence in my quotation shows that Fredrick Douglass was determined to work towards achieving his goal. The second sentence shows that Fredrick was patient and hopeful, he had faith that he would one day be free one way or another. The third sentence shows that Fredrick did not let his situation define him, even if he had not yet found a way to be free from his situation, he decided to make effective use of his time there to achieve his goal.

Part B

During the pandemic, it was hard for me to focus because there were many distractions and I was not used to online classes. On holidays I tend to rest and enjoy myself, I sleep at any time and wake up at any time but during the pandemic, I knew I had the obligation to wake up as early as possible to attend classes. I had to create time to study and do assignments. All of these were hard for me to adjust to because I was at home and I could not resist my old habits.

I knew I needed to adapt to the situation I found myself in so I could be on track in my classes and get good grades. To achieve my goals, I made a schedule and became determined. I knew that I had no choice, so I decided to work hard and avoid distractions. As a result of my determination, I became resilient. 

8 thoughts on “Douglass and Resilience – Bithiah”

  1. OK — Good job! on Part A. You explained each sentence — good work here.

    In Part B — One thing you can work on is giving MORE details!

    I’m curious to know more about your strategies. Did you keep a schedule planner? Did you set alarms? DId you turn off your phone? You say you avoided distractions, so exactly how did you do that? What was your coping strategy to keep yourself from getting distracted.

    You write clearly with good sentence structure and you follow instructions for the assignments well! All good there.

    1. Thank you, Prof. Wu. I will work on giving more details. I kept a schedule planner and I set alarms so I could always be on time. I did not turn off my phone, I tried to minimize the amount of time I spent using it. 

  2. For part B, It was the same for me. I could not focus with everything that was going on in my house. I would always tend to fall asleep during class because my bed was right there.

    1. guess everyone struggling with online classes I know what mean you just relax and home is like a safe place were got nothing worry about like couch potato same. I like straight to point your writing it clear. there no clutter in way it very good.

  3. Definitely can relate to not being able to draw a line between studying and having time for ourselves at home. Before the pandemic like you said home is a place where we relaxed and disconnected from the outside. So having to readjust and do everything now at home is difficult.

  4. I agree with how adaptation and determination are important when falling behind. I’d had many moments myself where doing what’s hard has been a test of how determined I am, with me often learning something about myself. Through learning and effort, I believe adapting to one’s situation can be easy as long as do what needs to be done.

  5. I agree with you when it came to adapting to online learning, it completely changed the way we will learn forever. Additionally, I can agree with you when you said “it was hard for me to focus because there were many distractions”. Most of the time during the pandemic I could never get myself to fully focus on any of my classes. There was always something that caught my attention or even if my family members needed me I would have to stop what I was doing and multitask.

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