Reading Response RLW – Valon

What is one important thing you learned about how to read like a writer?  Quote the part in the Bunn essay where you learned this and tell what the quote means in your own words.

After reading ‘How to Read Like a Writer’ by Mike Bunn, I have grasped a number of techniques on how to read like a writer that were thoroughly demonstrated within’ this essay. To begin, reading informational text, stories, news articles, etc.. is a great starting point on your path to fully understand how reading with a purpose will have a positive reflection towards your ability to write. As you read along, chapter after chapter or book after book, annotating through text is a key factor, Bunn stated (Pg. 81 paragraph 2) “The most common suggestion made by students… was to mark up the text, make comments in the margins and summaries both during and after reading .” This will allow you to emphasize on what is important to you as the reader, allow you to make connections with prior evidence which may lead to a better understanding of what the author is portraying, determine the genre/main idea. Also the more you dissect what you’re reading, without a doubt it will expand your vocabulary and arsenal of words. Authors have their unique writing strategies that assist them in producing well written essays, as you come across these different ways you can get down to incorporating them in your own writings. (Pg. 74 paragraph 4) “You are reading to see how something was constructed so that you can construct something similar yourself.” On the same page (74) Mike Bunn discusses Allen Tate’s, a famous poet during the 1940’s, ways of reading, he uses the analogy of architecture and compares it to writing. As an architect you are required to know the entire construction of a project, “down to the last nail”. In correlation to writing, as reader you should inspect the build up and details in order to comprehend the development of a sufficient piece of writing.

4 thoughts on “Reading Response RLW – Valon”

  1. Excellent that you notcied the connection to architecture == building a a piece of writing!

    Most of your answer is a huge long quote from the text. Instead explain in your own words, in clear language … What is one thing you learned from the article?

  2. fantastic response you even add the question make it more clear what their responding to. the quota use like Pg. 81 paragraph 2 I would of use the lines but paragraph is good. but do have question  “how reading with a purpose will have a positive reflection towards your ability to write” I don’t really don’t see it that way. I wouldn’t say it would be reflection to your ability write or a positive one for that matter.

  3. valon had stated so much details on the reading, RLW I like how he got into depth with his explanation in addition sharing what he can relate on the techniques

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