Reading Response RLW-Mouhamed

One thing I learned from reading “How to Read Like a Writer” was how to consider the choice the writer makes, and reading to learn. Also he said he has no regular teacher. And he said that he wanted himself dead he said he should’ve kill myself or done something to be killed to not stay a alive.

“For most colleges RLW is a new way to read, and it can be difficult to learn at first. Making things even more difficult is that your college writing instructor may expect you to read this way for class but never actually teach you how to do it.He or she may not even tell you that you’re supposed to read this way.”’pg.75

I could relate to this because my high school English teacher was not that good at explaining things. That is why when it comes to writing I have a lot of difficulty with it.

2 thoughts on “Reading Response RLW-Mouhamed”

  1. Most of what you have written here is quoting Bunn. Instead you need to answer the q in clear language and in your own words: What is one thing you learned about how to RLW?

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