Mentor text analysis of Anxious to let my features show’: Asian American woman shares fear of harassment- Andre

During the interview, a group of three young Asian American women are being interview about Asian American hate crime, and their passed incidents that have occurred to them. This text incorporates the research of Asian American hate by the encounters of hate, in addition to both polls from New York and San Fransisco. The story telling began with Amanda shi speaking about her experience with verbal harassment by strangers since the start of the pandemic. She was followed by a man yelling racial obscenities at her. The visuals throughout this interview was shown majority of the three Asian American women speaking about their passed experiences with Asian hate sitting in the bench. The three Asian American women sounded very uncomfortable opening up themselves with discussing about their passed experiences with racial obscenities made by strangers. Amanda opened up with a stranger walking her home, as she started to break down being thankful he had walked her home. Anne Kim then opened up stating “ it has happened to me several times”. She had began to tear reminiscing that time of being dehumanized of those stereotypes being made about Asian American women. The interview is being structured by introducing the young group of women each of them expressing their passed trauma of events with obscenities of racial comments. Amanda first spoke, following by Anne. Carolyn then opened with her incident of a subway attack back in 2020 with a visual stating “I had healed from my subway attack back in 2020” . Carolyn then speaks about her incident where she was punched in the face by a random stranger while the stranger is saying made up Asian words. Later during the interview the interviewer then speaks about to her Asian American hate crimes occurring where a 67 Asian women beaten more than a 125 times while the suspect allegedly called her a bitch. Followed by Michelle go being pushed to death by a train in time square by a man who is reported mentally ill. The interview lasted about 4:25 minutes long. The primary audience was for other Asian Americans to learn from these three young Asian American women who had suffered from their passed experiences with hate. With facts and data recorded from New York and San Fransisco as the two states who received the largest hate crime rate with Asian Americans. Towards the end there’s a scene of Carolyn avoiding the subway leaning on the wall so no one can push her to the tracks. Meanwhile Anne remains hyper vigilant, and Amanda is dreading the warm weather. Amanda expresses she is ready for the warm weather, but is fearing of showing skin and expressing her comfort with the warm weather. The creators message behind the interview is to educate other’s about each of the following incidents reported by the group of women, including other incidents of asian American women hate crime. The aspects I’m looking to emulate is asking personal questions, willing to hear more personal stories from those who I interview. In addition to adding more statistic’s based on my research question. What I will avoid is being repetitive, receiving short responses as answers towards my questions, and crappy body language.

1 thought on “Mentor text analysis of Anxious to let my features show’: Asian American woman shares fear of harassment- Andre”

  1. OK Andre, I can see that you really understood the video interview. However, this assignment is to analyze the structure of the video and not so much the content.

    So how did the video incorporate research? Were facts and statistics reported by CNN reporter who did the interview? How was story telling used? (each interviewee related her own story of being harassed) What do you notice about the visuals — are there vosuals? (well maybe here you could tell me that the setting is in a city park and the outdoors atmosphere and the sunny weather suggest that, as one of the women mentions, spring is on the way and these women fear dressing for lighter weather when their facial features will identify them as Asian and potentially as targets.). How was the interview structured? (here you could answer that the interviewer Amara Walker spent time with each person letting her tell her story and then went back and forth between interviewees… notice how the questions proceeded: Was there a structure to the sequencing of the questions?).

    I am glad you studied this interview but pay attention to how the interview is constructed and the order of questions….

    How did the interview end? Would you end yours this way?

    Those are the type of quesions (look at the guiding questions) you need to think about for a Mentor Text Analysis. I don’t need a run-down or a summary of the video (what was said). I need you to look at how it was put together, so you can decide if you might do your interview in the same way.

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