Mentor text Analysis- Jason Gorbenko

In the article titled “I Make Video Games. I won’t Let My Daughter Play Them” written by William Siu, the author uses a recent event as a hook. California Governor basically states that social media companies are required to test a product so that it is not harmful to children. The author did use research from a study which involved observing video game players for six years. The research revealed that people did get addicted to video games and it was difficult for people to stop. The author used his own video game to track data of video gamers. The text incorporates an animated picture at the very beginning of the essay. It. can suggest video games can rather be safe with it being educational. The text does not use any audio. This text is structured as essay in multiple paragraphs with bullet points for solutions nearing the ending of the essay.. This text is 20 paragraphs long with an animated picture in the beginning. I believe the primary audience is parents because a big population of video gamers are kids. This essay explains to parents how video games effect children. The creators message is to not completely stop children from having fun playing video games, rather it is to simply have parents limit the time of playing the game, as well as monitor the child’s everyday life after playing the game. The essay ends off with bullet points as solutions, how the author participated at a program with children, where he saw how children learn using video games. I will add visuals to my project that brings the readers attention. I will also add my take on what solutions I think can happen. I wouldn’t avoid anything.

4 thoughts on “Mentor text Analysis- Jason Gorbenko”

  1. Jason — I think you can do a much better job on this — Are you using the guiding questions I gave you? It’s not even clear to me right away if you are analyzing the Siu op-ed or the Conover podcast?

    1. Hi Professor,

      I updated my post. The podcast did not refer to video games. I did try my best to use the guiding questions you provided, I used 4 of them.

      1. How does the text HOOK the audience? INTRO.
      2. Where does the text incorporate research? How does it use research? Does it quote outside sources, use statistics, use experts, refer to history?
      3. Who is the primary audience? What makes you think this? (Consider language, music, visuals, content.
      4. What do you think the creator’s message is?
  2. Jason — FOR A MENTOR TEXT ANALYSIS — there is no option to choose a few– YOU MUST DO ALL OF THE QUESTIONS In writing your paragraph analysis.

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