RAB Source Entry 1 – MANUEL

Part 1:MLA Citation

Orlando, A. (2023, March 8). Do video games cause violence? Discover Magazine. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/do-video-games-cause-violence 

Part 2: Summary

An article from Discover Magazine “Do Video Games Cause Violence?” by Alex Orlando. the author was trying proving that playing violent video games was not a cause violence in general. When the game Doom was blamed for the Columbine high school massacre, Christopher Ferguson (a psychologist)saw a mismatch between the evidence there can be a case made but it wasn’t sound augment there isn’t enough data. American Psychological Association(APA)did many studies that playing violent video games was not a good enough indicator of IRL(in real life) violence. Studies done by Oxford University by Playing social games like Animal Crossing give mental health benefits to people wellbeing. Orlando concludes that he has learned that there is no firm, irrefutable evidence that playing violent video games leads to real-life violence.  

Part 3: Reflection/Rhetorical Analysis

From reading “Do Video Games Cause Violence?” By Alex Orlando I didn’t know that the doom was blamed for the Columbine shooting. I thought that the reason that it was mostly due to Eric Harris having been a psychopath beforehand I had no idea that he played doom(1993). I know now as a fact that there is no link violence and video games affecting normal children but what  if the child was a psychopath how would that affect them?if the parents knew that their kid was a monster maybe not letting him be exposed to violent video games could change the outcome? I agree with what Orlando presented, specifically the use of data facts for example the constant use of Christopher Ferguson,(APA),Oxford University instead of giving his opinion he source studies.To better understand this topic I should look at studies from Christopher Ferguson on video games and violence also look into how violent video games affect psychopath?

The genre of this source is news report.The purpose is to inform.The writing style is factual, and the tone is objective. The audience is the general reading public.The occasion for, A mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, which left 23 people dead, a familiar talking point reared its head: video games were to blame. It is the best way to effectively clear misinformation.This is a credible author because Alex Orlando is a science journalist, He’s currently an associate editor for Discover Magazine, where he writes and edits stories about medical mysteries, technology, the human mind, the environment and our little blue planet — along with any other curiosities that pique his interest. Discover is an American general audience science magazine launched in October 1980 by Time Inc. It has been owned by Kalmbach Publishing since 2010.Christopher J. Ferguson is an American psychologist who serves as a professor and co-chair of psychology at Stetson University in Florida. He previously served as an associate professor of psychology and criminal justice at Texas A&M International University.

Part 4: Notable Quotables

“says Ferguson. “Other than a handful of people, there was really a sense of there being a societal consensus on the issue —everybody thought that violent video games were causing these types of shootings.”As a result, in the early 2000s, several prominent studies dug into that link — and suggested that violent video games did indeed increase aggressive behavior.”-paragraph 3

“There’s this idea that ‘we’re saving children’ or ‘children’s lives are at stake,” he says. “And scientists are human — we respond to social incentives just like anybody else does. If all of the incentives tell you to say one thing, then why would you say the other thing? Saying something isn’t a problem is a hard way to get grant money.”- paragraph 4

“The issue of false positives is just one of the problems plaguing the field. (In the behavioral sciences, “false positives” can occur when scientists deem something as statistically significant when the results are actually a result of chance, sampling errors or problems with a study’s methodology.)”- paragraph 5

4 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry 1 – MANUEL”

  1. Hey Manuel, you never stated your resource question. Capitalization matters and you need to work on it. Also your writing need to be looked over one more time there is some words missing from your writing. For example, “I know now as a fact that there is no link violence and video games affecting normal children but what if the child was a psychopath how would that affect them?” This is just one example of one sentence that needs to be looked over one more time.

  2. Dear Manuel,

    I would say you need to work on your grammar and avoid using abbreviations like you did in your summary such as “IRL” just simply put what it means. Moreover, I would recommend avoiding unnecessary quotations such as the following “Christopher Ferguson (a psychologist)saw a mismatch between the evidence there can be a case made but it wasn’t sound augment there isn’t enough data.” Briefly introduce him because it feels like it’s an important detail and person.

  3. Manuel:

    This is a good article. It is also very current. March 2023. Mention that in your Rhetorical Analysis.

    I STRONGLY URGE you to work with the tutors.


    ·     You have missed some MI’s. I had to look at the article because your summary felt incomplete. 

    ·     HINT – If an article has subheadings, use the subheads to find one main point in each subhead section. Then gather those points together to become your summary. Go back and look at the article. Subheadings in your article are: The Video games and Violence Controversy, Playing the Blame Game, Video Game Violence Studies, etc Find the MI in each of the sections; then put these MI’s into one paragraph for your summary.

    ·     I see that your summary refers to a few of the different research studies – GOOD, but can you make those sentences MORE CLEARLY WRITTEN.

    ·     Overall, your work needs to be more clearly written. Please read it aloud to yourself. Read exactly what you have written. You will hear the errors in your writing. 

    ·     You have fragments – look at your very first sentence. It’s a fragment! And you have Run-ons.

    ·     You have missing words; you have left out words.

    ·     I STRONGLY URGE you to work with the tutors to make your writing more clear. 


    Please make each of these a separate part: Part 3 Reflection, then Part 4 Rhetorical Analysis.


    This part is ok. You ask good questions. But you must clear up your writing —  you have run-ons, and unclearly expressed ideas. Can you bring in your own experience playing video games? And whether you experience feelings of aggression or if you never experience this. Or if you observe aggressive behavior or lack of this behavior in your gaming friends.

    Rhetorical Analysis: 

    ·     This is NOT a news piece. The mass shooting in El Paso TX was 2019—a long time ago! So this article is NOT reporting on that event or connecting to the event. You should point out the article is very current information March 2023. IT is a feature piece!

    ·     The occasion Is NOT the mass shooting in Texas! Look at the dates that was 2019.

    ·     Good job giving credibility of the author and of Discover magazine. 

    ·     Can you explain if the author uses the rhetorical appeals of pathos ethos or logos? I think pathos because he cites facts of research. What do you think? 


    Should be (Orlando par 3)

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