Summary Practice – Alexis Rodriguez

The purpose of “‘Schools are killing curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn” by Wendy Berliner was to demonstrate how the school system is discouraging students from achieving their full potential by denying them to be curious. As in the passage, it mentions that students who were curious and asked questions performed better. As this not only helps them get caught up but can exceed their own original potential as it also helps them learn the topic in depth and therefore be more interested in the topic and learning. Now, there is a connection to this as also mentioned that kids as old as 5 years old can ask up to 100 questions as they are curious about the world around them. However, as the kids grow older the amount of questions they ask seem to decrease. As this is due to a threat. As students now see that asking questions and being curious can be detriment to their grades as the teachers discourage them. Now the teachers aren’t at fault, they are merely only doing their jobs. But, it shall be the system as a whole.

1 thought on “Summary Practice – Alexis Rodriguez”

  1. Did you use the points from the blackboard where I put into the outline the main ideas? Yes on the board in the outline are the exact points that go into the graphic organizer. And those points are the points that become your summary!

    1.You need to refer to the author as you introduce your points. SO–

    According to Berliner, ____

    Berliner makes the point that ____


    Capitize word in a title!

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