Genre project progress report- Andre

Genre project, progress report- Andre 

For unit three, I’ve completed the first steps of creating my interview by gathering up all sorts of questions that i can ask the three people who I am interviewing on my project. While Time management is a huge obstacle I need to get over, I still have to complete the following steps of moving along my interview. First off by deciding whether I would like audio, or by video. The decision hasn’t been made and I need to figure out fast in order to not fall in the quick sand. My timeline for the deadline I would like to get it done by Tuesday at least. So I can have enough time to write a transcript for it. I am highly confident on my project, I get to be myself behind the scenes and really enjoy conversing with the three family members of my choice. Mom, my Aunt, and my second generation cousin who lives in Puerto Rico. I will complete my creators statement by tonight. Mean while I envision my interview being published on SoundCloud if I decide to do audio, if I decide to do my interview by video I’ll publish on YouTube. 

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