Project Proposal- Nason

My research question is: “What effects does microplastic have in America?” My message is to educate people on microplastics’ effects on the ocean and the air. The audience I am trying to reach is Americans and the general public. The majority of people do not know the state of our planet when it comes to pollution. People do not know what is happening to their country despite the fact it is a trending topic. Not only do people learn the effects but also learn ways to solve the problem. For my genre, I am choosing a poem. A poem is a good way to portray my message in a catchy but keen way. I plan to start my poem by stating its negative effects to allow people to understand the severe consequences of plastic pollution. I also plan to talk about what we can do to fix the problem that tons of plastic are deposited in the ocean and air every year.  I will use the mentor text “Nature” by Katherine S. Tullie. This mentor text will give me a foundation for my topic and is the structure that I want to use.

4 thoughts on “Project Proposal- Nason”

  1. Nason:

    IDK this poem from Katherine Tullie. Can you show me this poem that you plan to use as mentor text? You need a poem that is by an established poet. Here I share a page from a well-known poetry website. Why don’t you choose one from here. These are excellent poems on many different environmental topics from established poets.

    I read an excellent NYT op-ed on your topic. Here I share it with you:

    Our Way of Life is Poisoning Us (guest opinion essay)

    You can read it and keep learning and use this extra learning in your genre project.

    I agree with your peers: YOu need to be more specific on your target audience.

    ALSO, you write: “A poem is a good way to portray my message in a catchy but keen way.” catchy…keen these words do not make clear why you are choosing a poem. This sounds more like a song. A poem has lines that convey meaning in concise carefully chosen words. THINK MORE about why a poem will work. What do you want to tell people and why is the poem the best genre? YOu need to be more clear.


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