Project Proposal — Edwin

My research question is how does inflation affect the car market? I want to explore how inflation affects the car industry and how it impacts consumers. Specifically, I want to highlight the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the car market and examine the supply chain disruptions, reduced consumer demand, and fluctuating prices that ensued. As someone who has recently purchased a car, I want to offer my perspective on buying a car in today’s market and provide advice to those currently looking to buy a car for themselves. My target audience is individuals who are interested in buying a car in the current market. I am deciding to write either an op-ed or a feature article for this genre project. An op-ed would allow me to express my viewpoint on buying a car, while a feature article would enable me to include more images showcasing the outrageous markups of used and new cars in recent years. To develop an outline for my genre project, I will review other op-eds or feature articles. While I am not too anxious about the project itself, I am worried about meeting the deadline. I will use Wendy Berliner’s “Schools are Killing Curiosity” as a feature article or David Brooks’s “Pandemic Kills Compassion, Too” as a reference to ensure that I complete the project on time.

3 thoughts on “Project Proposal — Edwin”

  1. I myself am a individual who is interested in buying a car, but before I make any future purposes I would like to know what significant highlights was in play during covid-19 along with affecting the car market

  2. I’m one of those who is interested in buying a car, but before I make any future purposes I would like to know what significant highlights was in play during covid-19 along with affecting the car market **(correction)

  3. Edwin:


    You must use one of the mentor texts listed IN THE UNIT 3 ASSIGNMENT — NOT a student example from the Genre Project Resources page — those are just student examples; they are NOT mentor texts!

    YOU WROTE: I will use Anastasia Cortez’s feature article or Gentian: Wake Up America! We Need To Extend the School Year’s op-ed as a reference to ensure that I complete the project on time. THESE ARE STUDENT EXAMPLES FROM PREVIOUS SEMESTERS.

    I think your reasons for choosing op-ed and for feature are good. You know the differences between these two genres. Do you already have information on “outrageous markeups”? Did you learn enough from your research that you now can offer advice to others?

    Some other ideas that came to my mind —

    a podcast where you interview 3 people who are in the market for buying a car.

    an information poster (using the program CANVA to create it) where you present information on whether NOW is the right time to buy a car. You can give tips on how to choose a car during this market that has been influenced by pandemic.

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