Mentor text analysis Andre-

In William Siu’s op-ed article, “I Make Video Games. I Won’t Let My Daughters Play Them.” He hooks the audience by introducing the recent legislation signed by the Californian Gov. The legislation influenced the need for social media companies to make sure new products won’t be harmful to kids. Siu compromised his research by using one of his former company’s data experiment. In addition to using one of the studies made by the Brigham University, on the effects of video games. Siu embody’s his narrative angle by using personal and emotional appeals. The text incorporates imagery by Candy crush .“If you have played mobile games like Candy Crush Saga, you are familiar with the concept of lives. You are given five lives a day; each time you lose a game, you lose a life. Run out of lives, and you can’t play again until your supply is replenished.” The arch of this op Ed begins by using logos. With the logical view from the legislation that was installed by the California gov. Continuation it follows up with ethos. An ethical point of view with Siu mentioning he is also a video game developer and addressing he also knows the addiction of gaming. Leading up towards to the very end of the Op- Ed with pathos. Expressing his emotions on why he is not proud that he had a hand in furthering these problems. Creating three suggestions on how to address this issue. The op-ed sums up to five-minute read consisting of 20 paragraphs. Siu’s primary audience is parents, and how he connects with them by using personal tales to come off as a concerned parent while using statistics to back him up. Moreover, Siu’s message was to bring awareness to parents by limiting their children’s gaming addiction in their everyday lives and protecting them from being to hooked on the usage of social media.

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