Mentor Text Analysis- Alexis Rodriguez

The intro hooked the reader by immediately mentioning that in real life there are laws being passed in which may affect the reader or show that it will soon it will affect them. But more than that, it doesn’t immediately mention the main focus in the first sentence, it introduces a similar concept in the real world. Such as addiction to social media then leaps onto the topic of addiction to video games. Then leads with another word example of a country limiting game access which will later be brought up.

As mentioned previously the author has incorporated research by showing links to trust worthy sources (NYT) talking about real life laws that have already been implemented and even linking to those sources. It uses that research to further strengthen their opinion that a addiction to video games has not gone unnoticed. It has caught many eyes, and not just by angry parents but by a powerful country such as China. They do quote from said sources and mention experts to further boast their claim or at least demonstrate the legitimacy.

It begins with a headline that summarizes the main topic of the article, which is China’s stricter rules on online gaming for minors. The headline is followed by an opening paragraph that provides some context and background information on the topic.

The subsequent paragraphs are organized in a way that presents information in a clear and coherent manner. Each paragraph discusses a different aspect of the topic and provides relevant details and quotes from sources to support the article’s main points.

The article starts with an explanation of the new restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on online gaming for minors, which is then followed by a description of the previous rules and the reasons for tightening the restrictions. The article provides quotes from the National Press and Publication Administration and parents to give insight into the rationale behind the changes.

The article then delves into the Chinese government’s broader push for cultural conformity, highlighting the recent crackdown on teen celebrity worship and fan clubs. It also provides some background information on the online gaming industry in China, including its profitability and the official pressure on companies to conform to cultural demands.

The article then moves to provide a quote from a company worker and discusses Tencent’s response to the new restrictions, including its previous efforts to protect minors from online gaming addiction. Finally, the article concludes by mentioning the company’s financial disclosures and its ongoing commitment to implementing the latest requirements from the Chinese authorities.

All of this being ~20 paragraphs. With the main purpose being that we should get the attention of this gaming addiction, not to the extent of China’s however there should be some regulation and attention that should be sparked in regards to video games and the impact it has.

To emulate of course I will use logos as my major key factor and most likely starting off as my hook as well with a real life fact, specifically a law, policy, or in regards to an expert. Than i will throughout the article reiterate those experts or facts and extend upon it.

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