Possible Genres — Edwin

RQ: How does inflation affect the car market?

Poster, Newsletter, or Interview

After reviewing the possible options for our genre projects I think I will create a poster. As my research question uses many statistics, it will be easier to explain with photos. I also believe that creating a poster will have a better approach to a broader audience. I hope that this not only gets anyone interested but can also inform you about the current car market. Furthermore, I can explain what inflation is and how the impact of inflation affects the car market. My second choice would be a newsletter since I can still use photos for statistics and also get to explain what GDP or CPI is to us as buyers. Being able to explain what GDP and CPI is will allow you to grasp why the inflation is so high since covid halted all production of semiconductors and car manufacturers. My last option would be an interview since many people in my family are into cars I can gather questions to ask them and ask for their opinion and how the inflation has affected them to buy cars.

2 thoughts on “Possible Genres — Edwin”

  1. I’m really looking forward to how you present your research topic with the poster! I hope it stands out more with facts and also pictures. I have a good feeling a interview you’ll succeed a lot more better

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