My research question is: How did COVID-19 impact undocumented immigrants in America?
Part 1 – MLA Citation
Kassie, Emily, et al. Undocumented In The Pandemic. PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 12Aug. 2020, Accessed 1 Apr. 2023.
Part 2 – Summary
The PBS documentary “Undocumented In The Pandemic” by Emily Solomon and Ben C. Solomon is about the pandemic that created immense challenges for undocumented families in the U.S. For one family, the pandemic resulted in them facing financial instability, homelessness, and severe mental health challenges. The mother, Norma, struggles to find housing for her children, while the father, head of household, is held in ICE custody, leaving them struggling to make ends meet. The situation profoundly impacted Norma’s teenage daughter, who is also undocumented. The stress of the family conflicts has left her struggling with depression. Ultimately, she felt helpless and overwhelmed and ended up harming herself. The documentary ends with the father, Jose’s bond getting approved, and Norma finding a way to come up with funds as she struggles with despair and frustration. Lastly, she secured the bail money and reunited as a family at the hotel, where they temporarily stayed as they worked to get back on their feet. The documentary uses the example of this family’s immense challenge to show the lack of support and resources in housing and mental health services undocumented immigrants encounter.