My research question is “Does video gaming increase cognitive capability?” This topic interests me because from the time I was young I always loved playing video games. I would always tend to play a lot of games like CS:GO, Valorant and Rainbow Six Siege. One thing I noticed was that all of these games required you to think very fast about your next decision because hesitating for a second could make you lose. That made me wonder if videogames increase peoples cognitive abilities and by how much. I already know that video gamers increase people’s reaction times significantly. This would mean that in a real-life scenario a video gamer would be more likely to come to a conclusion faster than someone who doesn’t play video games. I also know that video gaming can make you think better. I also figured out through person experience that video gaming can increase you’re the information stored in your brain’s memory. But some points I want to dwell a little further into are “What other aspects of cognitive ability does video gaming increase?” “Can video gaming raise IQ.” “Does your natural cognitive ability effect how well you play video games?” “Video Gaming May Be Associated with Better Cognitive Performance in Children.” National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 24 Oct. 2022,
Look carefully — this is a NEWS RELEASE and not an actual article: SO this is not a news article and not a feature article. You need something better for your news or feature article.
Can you post the other articles we found today while we were sitting together?
The JAMA article and there were a few others, correct? Was this it? Is this an article in JAMA? I beieve this is a journal article for Medical Doctors reporting on a study … THis is pretty hard reading. I would have a hard time. It’s not for the general public. That’s why I ask you to find a NYT article becuase the audience for NYT is the general public, not scientists or doctors or other science professionals.
When you scroll down to the end of this JAMA article (is it an article?).you will see other sources that were used in writing this JAMA article. Do any of those work?
I really think you need better sources if you want to stick to this RQ. YOu need articles sources that are easily understandable to the general Layman (look up this word). YOu do not want to read scientific articles written for science professionals. You will not understand the information presented.
So you must find other sources or change your RQ. Did you make an appointment with one of the librarian professors. They can help you with this, And they can also help you find a better RQ that might be related to this one, a RQ that deals with Video Games if that is your interest
AGAIN i share with you a recent and very good op-ed on
Can you come up with a new RQ after reading this article.
IS video gaming an addiction?
Now that RQ would have a lot of sources — I believe. I suggest you consider changing RQ. It’s getting very very late and using the RQ you have now, you have not found sources that are NYT or another journal that as described in the assignments.
I am sorry Jonathan, but if uou want to stick to your present RQ then you need better sources. I cannot approve this source. And I am not sure I can approve your RQ if you can’t find sources from NYT or other general public journalism. Look at the Assignment at the type of sources I am requiring from you.
SOCIAL MEDIA HARMS YOUNG podcast from The Daily NYTimes excelletn podcast.