Annotated Source 1 Picture — Edwin

Micheal Wayland and Thomas Franck “Soaring used car prices are pushing inflation higher, and there’s not much the U.S. can do about it.” CNBC January 13, 2022,

My second source: Jeanna Smialek “What’s Next for Profits? Cars Shed Light on a Key Inflation Question.” New York Times September 21, 2022

1 thought on “Annotated Source 1 Picture — Edwin”

  1. The NYT article you found is not an op-ed, so it won’t work for your second source.

    However, it looks like a good article. Read it and compare with the CNBC news piece. Which article is more interesting and more informative. Then decide which to use as Source 1 (news or feature piece).

    You still have to find an op-ed Opinion Editorial.

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