My first source, my news article will be:
Milkman, Katy. “Stereotypes Harm Black Lives and Livelihoods, but Research Suggests Ways to Improve Things.” Scientific American, 8 July 2020, Stereotypes Harm Black Lives and Livelihoods, but Research Suggests Ways to Improve Things – Scientific American

My second source, my op-ed will be:
Greenidge, Kaitlyn. “Why Black People Discriminate Among Ourselves: The Toxic Legacy of Colorism.” The Guardian, 9 Apr. 2019, Why black people discriminate among ourselves: the toxic legacy of colorism | Life and style | The Guardian
I agree that the Scientific Am article is not enough info. You talked about fnding a better Source 1 (news or feature article) — have you found one?
Sharing some other things I found: Even if you don’t end up choosing this, getting more knowledge on your topic is all good. — not sure if you can open this but interesting — this article is too short and IDK if the source is reliable, but might add to yoru knowledge.