RAB Proposal Paragraph – Jonathan

My research question is “Does video gaming increase cognitive capability?” This topic interests me because from the time I was young I always loved playing video games. I would always tend to play a lot of games like CS:GO, Valorant and Rainbow Six Siege. One thing I noticed was that all of these games required you to think very fast about your next decision because hesitating for a second could make you lose. That made me wonder if videogames increase peoples cognitive abilities and by how much. I already know that video gamers increase people’s reaction times significantly. This would mean that in a real-life scenario a video gamer would be more likely to come to a conclusion faster than someone who doesn’t play video games. But some points I want to dwell a little further into are “What other aspects of cognitive ability does video gaming increase?” “Can video gaming raise IQ.” “Does your natural cognitive ability effect how well you play video games?”

Possible Source: Sara Corbett “Learning by Playing: Video Games in the Classroom” The New York Times, 19 September 2010 https://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/magazine/19video-t.html?searchResultPosition=1

7 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Jonathan”

  1. I like how you mentioned siege. I think you made a connection to cognitive ability and fast-twitch video games, but what would be the connection to a rpg or story game? Would learning still be involved? Think “The Forest” when it comes to survival skills or “papa’s pizzeria when it comes to cooking.

  2. CS:GO, Valorant and Rainbow Six Siege I would say reaction time is a part of it but it more of tactical positioning thinking ahead planning then reaction. The matches aren’t always fast pace sometimes. When you were saying that you giving reason of interest I like game to but you have give why ?where? and when did you start playing?

  3. I feel like this would be a fire topic because gaming i feel has alot of pros that come with it and as a fellow gamer it would be dope to know what benefits i gained from gaming.

  4. Jonathan: You need to develop a bit more on this part of your proposal: I already know that video gamers increase people’s reaction times significantly. This would mean that in a real-life scenario a video gamer would be more likely to come to a conclusion faster than someone who doesn’t play video games. MORE things you already know. REmember the paragraph template says 3 sentences. GO back and look at it!

    And no need for the quotes around the questions.

  5. This source is TOO old.

    And your annotated article is NOT addressing your RQ? If you can’t find good sources, is your RQ going to work????

    I have already commented on this. And you need to either change your RQ or make sure you have sources you can show me.

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