Saved – AJ

So School never been a struggle for me, until 10th Grade. 10th Grade was the year I was actually for the first time struggling. That year I was taking a chemistry class. Honestly I always enjoyed science, felt it was very abstract with all the experiments. So initially I wasn’t upset about having the class, I was actually intrigued because from my knowledge at the time, chemistry has all the cool experiments. That’s not until I started actually taking the class. Having to remember all of the periodic table was obscured, and I don’t majorly care for science, so just from that I knew this class was going to be difficult.

As 5 months of me majorly struggling in that class pass, a pandemic was beginning to spread. As that pandemic got worst there were rumors that schools would eventually close because of this increase. Eventually school did close due to COVID – 19. Then we went 2 weeks straight without any school, until online school was organized for student to transition too. If COVID – 19 didn’t come I would’ve most likely failed the regents for this class but, the pandemic did teach me a few things. I learned to never underestimate classes, to actually give the class your full attention, especially with science classes because it was partially my fault why I was struggling in that class. So I now know that I have to sometimes FULLY apply myself to a class to pass.

1 thought on “Saved – AJ”

  1. AJ – I can see that you write well. But I don’t see that you have a story here? I don’t see that you have answered the writing prompt.

    I am referring to the writing prompt and I am not sure in this piece of writing — what is the thing that saved you? Was it the pandemic? Now does that really work as a central theme? You need to think about that. You need to develop more details around showing me how the pandemic SAVED your chemistry performance. Are you saing that the pandemic SAVED you as in lowering standards to allow you to graduate? I am not sure that works as a guiding theme for this education narrative – unless you can work it out to make it work. 

    Have you answered the prompt well? Do you have a story here?

    I see that you could show me that chemistry was a hard class foryou. YOu need to create a scene with good desciptive details of your best memory of being in that chemistry class. But I am not sure that is the focus of this piece? WHat is the focus here? WHat SAVED you?

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