Resilience- Chris

I have always had a bad experience with my education. My education should be the number one thing I prioritize, but instead of prioritizing it. I push it all the way to the bottom when it comes to its importance. The reason why I struggle so much with my education, even to this day is because of my laziness. I am very lazy when it comes to tasks that involve sustained concertation, and school is one of those “tasks”. My laziness is an issue which I never dealt with and due to this it has led me to academic struggles. These struggles include but are not limited to being tardy, not showing up to school, failure to meet deadlines, and participation.

Now I have found and used several different ways to go against this struggle of mine. I have manage to persevere and come out on top of my laziness more than 70% of the time. The thing that helped me the most was going through other struggles outside of the education system and remembering every bit of it and how it felt. What I would keep in mind would be my memories of the struggles I had seen and went through in Mexico. Mexico was a place I went to for vacation but instead of enjoying my time during this one vacation I had. I decided to live like the people in the town my mom grew up in. I forced myself to see through the eyes of a different person who wasn’t as privileged as I was which had a great impact on me. The things I saw and went through. From working in the fields during morning until night and seeing different people from different ages, such as kids who would be in middle school to adults already in their 60s. The kids wouldn’t go to school because they would be forced to work in order to put food down on their own tables, and adults who kept telling me their hardships and how they wish they could have studied to have an easier life then the one they currently had. These memories and stories I have heard, I decided to made sure I engrave them into my mind so that when I am about to become lazy again they make me rise. This method has allowed me to go back and try my hardest with everything I had to do and is the current reason as to why I am in the position that I currently am in life. I have learned more about my capabilities and limits and how much further I can go.

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