Reading Response Colin Powell-Mouhamed

“it was not a place where you would expect much of a military presence. When I returned to school in the fall of 1954, I inquired about the Reserve Officers Training Corps, and I enrolled in ROTC. I am not sure why. Maybe it was growing up in World War II and coming of age during the Korean conflict: the little banners in windows with a blue star, meaning someone from the family was in the service, or a gold star, meaning someone was not coming back.”(Pg. 92 paragraph 1)

After reading the passage I chose this quote because I feel like she was expressing how she felt about the military resources not being at a young age. While she was in highschool. Also in the quote she talks about when she went back to highschool she inquired about Reserve officers. Also she was talking about how she wanted to go school to do engineering and talking about her tuition. I can relate to this quote because I am going to school for engineering right now and also while he was raised when World War II started he was born into it.

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