Reading Response Colin Powell- Edwin 

“As soon as I got home, I put the uniform on and looked in the mirror. I liked what I saw. At this point, not a single Kelly Street friend of mine was going to college. I was seventeen. I felt cut off and lonely. The uniform gave me a sense of belonging, and something I had never experienced all the while I was growing up; I felt distinctive.” Page 3, paragraph 3

In this quote, he mentions that putting on the uniform made him feel a sense of belonging and distinction, which he had never felt before. In college, he felt cut off and lonely as none of his friends from Kelly Street were attending college, but joining the ROTC program gave him a sense of purpose and identity.

Powell’s experience highlights the transformation he underwent from being a college student to a military officer. In college, he may have felt unsure about his future and lacked a sense of direction, but joining the ROTC program provided him with a clear path and a sense of belonging. This change in his mindset and outlook highlights the transformative power of the military and the positive impact it can have on individuals who join it. Powell’s journey is a testament to the fact that military service can provide people with a sense of purpose, direction, and identity that they may have previously lacked.

3 thoughts on “Reading Response Colin Powell- Edwin ”

  1. I liked the quote you provided from the reading because it gives us an example of how Colin didnt have much true friendship or brotherhood growing up. This was an important factor that led him to join the ROTC program. It also was a second chance for him since he didnt see himself to be an engineer.

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