Mentor Quote — Edwin

“I see a bright future in you. This is only the beginning don’t let anything get in your way.”

As I was told by my uncle, “I see a bright future in you. This is only the beginning, don’t let anything get in your way,” I felt enlightened. It was a mix of surprise, gratitude, and determination. To have someone express such confidence in me was a special moment to me and it made me feel valued and appreciated.

These words serve as a constant reminder to me of my potential and the bright future that lies ahead. They give me the confidence to push through any challenges and obstacles that may come my way. I am determined to make the most of this opportunity and turn my dreams into a reality.

I believe that this is only the beginning of a long and fulfilling journey. I have so much to learn and experience, and I am excited about all the possibilities. I know that there will be ups and downs along the way, but I am ready to face them head-on and keep moving forward. Especially since I want to become a future police officer and the obstacles I have yet to face.

To make the most of my future, I know that I need to stay focused and never give up. I will continue to work hard and strive towards my goals, no matter what obstacles may come my way. I will surround myself with positive and supportive people who will encourage me and help me to grow such as my uncles and my aunts who have all been through the police force. This allows me to follow in their footsteps and grow with their knowledge.

In conclusion, being told “I see a bright future in you” has really impacted me as a student and a learner. It has given me the confidence and motivation to pursue my dreams and make a positive impact on the world. I am grateful for this encouragement from my family and will do everything in my power to live up to the expectations they have set for me. The future is bright and I am ready to make the most of it!

3 thoughts on “Mentor Quote — Edwin”

  1. OK good start! Good quote from your uncle.

    Now if you choose to go forward with this writing, you need to be more specific, instead of just telling me and writing in general terms. Set up the scene: When exactly did your uncle say this to you? Where were you — at a family gathering? What was happening in your life, that made him say this to you? Were you at a crossroads of your life? You need to show me more details of this moment when these words hit you with full force. Think the 5 W’s and show me theatre of the mind.

    Remember we are looking for the beginning of a story, an interesting story!

  2. OK good start! Good quote from your uncle.

    Now if you choose to go forward with this writing, you need to be more specific, instead of just telling me and writing in general terms. Set up the scene: When exactly did your uncle say this to you? Where were you — at a family gathering? What was happening in your life, that made him say this to you? Were you at a crossroads of your life — deciding on a major? Were you at the beginining of something — college? You need to show me more details of this moment when these words hit you with full force. Think the 5 W’s and show me theatre of the mind.

    For more ideas if you continue with this writing prompt — how have these words echoed in your mind in other instances of your education journey?

    Remember we are looking for the beginning of a story, an interesting story! Look at the INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS HW again.

    Edwin: not sure if I said this before, but you do know that CUNY has John Jay School of Criminal Justice and you may find the majors at that school fit your ambitions.

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