Reading Response Colin Powell – Manuel

“I felt cut off and lonely. The uniform gave me a sense of belonging, and something I had never experienced all the while I was growing up; I felt distinctive. In class, I stumbled through math, fumbled through physics, and did reasonably well in, and even enjoyed, geology.” -pg92par2

  This quote portrays  Powell’s view of after joining ROTC and leaving college behind. That intel also shows how Powell is mentally oriented. The ROTC gave something Powell didn’t have when  he was young, That is somewhere to belong while on the contrary His college experience didn’t feel as worthwhile. This connected to his stronger connection to ROTC; and it was Place where he found his identity. There a quote of his family describing Powell “There goes Colin again, nice boy, but no direction” there was much going on for Powell but  ROTC gave Powell a direction an gave his life purpose in his eyes.

3 thoughts on “Reading Response Colin Powell – Manuel”

  1. Good job — good choice of quote. You explain well that here in ROTC he felt he belonged and felt “distinctive” like he was important here in the ROTC group. Belonging and feeling important or “worthy” as you say, all of this gives someone confidence to achieve and be successful. And look how far Colin Powell went: all the way to Secretary of State in the George Bush Administration!

    I also notice your improved sentence structure. Much improved! How did you work on this? Did you look at the Grammar Writing Skills page?

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