Success Tips – Saif

Tip 1: Tip 7: Find study skills that work for you.

This tip significantly applies because I quickly lose focus on my work. I find it hard to stay focussed for long periods of time. This would help so I can get my work done faster and be more concentrated. This tip is good for me because I haven’t tried new ways to study in a very long time. I have been sticking to the same way but I know I can be more productive. If I know I will be distracted at home I can stay after class to get my work done in the library.

Tip 2: Tip 8: Understand Deadlines 

This tip is helpful because In high school I would submit a lot of assignments late or just by the deadline. Now I know that most professors don’t grade late assignments. It is also good to know that if there is any reason that I can not submit my work on time I can email my professor. What I can do to prevent this is to space out my work if it isn’t due the next day. Also, I can try and get my work done as early as possible and not wait last second so just in case anything pops up there won’t be a problem.

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