Success Tips -AJ

Tip 1: Get To Know Your Professor

This tip was very big for me because I feel like when you get to know your professor there is certain benefits to it. Knowing your professor builds a different type of bond, sometimes it could let your professor know that you actually care and want to succeed. It could even build the “leeway” the teacher allow with you because they know that your actually trying. Even having that bond could build you connections with your profession/career, to where they align you in with people who could help you advance in your career. Honestly i was never into really building a connection with my professor but its not a bad thing to get to know your professor.

Tip 2: Try New Things

Trying new things is always something that I feel should be implemented when in a learning environment, because you could always learn something new. There is a lot of different techniques that may improve your work. For instance I was never the type to really take others techniques, but in this one scenario, I learned this format of writing, in either Elementary School or Middle School, and I thought that technique was the best because it got me ALOT of good grades, but when I got to Highschool I learned how to really write with personality imprinted into the writing. If I wasn’t open to “trying new things” I would have never improved.

3 thoughts on “Success Tips -AJ”

  1. I as well used tip 2: try new things, and similarly to you I wouldn’t really try new techniques because I was so caught up and comfortable with my own strategy till I graduated HS and saw it was not the best.

  2. Getting to know your professor is very important one. Especially in this class I see each professor has there own way of doing things and doing something one way for one professor will sometimes be the exact opposite for another. I also need to try new things because some times I will just stay in my comfort zone and that will end up backfiring on me.

  3. Good job here. Good explanations of your own take on why these tips are important. I like you example of being open to write in a new/different way in High School. IN this class too, I am going to encourage you to get more personal in your writing, to try to tell stories that are more real more true and more interesting to your readers.

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