Success Tips – Odalys

Tip 1: A tip I will integrate in my academic journey in this class will be asking for help and communicating with the professor along with classmates. Especially as my first time in college, it can be overwhelming with all the assignments given on top of my other courses as well. So chatting through the group chat we created helps a lot to remind everyone of the assignments or questions I may have. Since I am a person who likes to be organized, classmates reminding or discussing topics related has been a great resource. It has made me more comfortable to speak up and realize this is something new and different for everyone. Unlike before where I would feel distinct for feeling lost or not understanding tasks fully.  

Tip 2: Another tip I will start using is #9, try new things. I personally am not an enthusiastic fan of change but after completing high school I realized that change sometimes needs to happen for personal development. Before college I would not ask for much help during high school since I had adjusted for 4 years. However, since college is designed to be more challenging, I need more help understanding the standards while I settle down in this new academic environment. I must be open to new suggestions of studying, change routine tips from professors or peers and not be hesitant to speak or ask. I will then try these new suggestions whenever I am having a challenging moment, no matter the outcome at least I know it is not for me and I can always try a different suggestions.  

2 thoughts on “Success Tips – Odalys”

  1. OOO Odalys, I too hem and haw and have super hard time accepting that I need to change. OMG it’s so hard for me, so I sympathize with you. In fact I empathize with you. You show such maturity in your answers. You seem to be a young lady who is learning to know yourself well, your strengths and weaknesses and that will serve you well. I look forward to seeing your progress in this class! I always enjoy reading your HW posts! – they are thoughtfully written!

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