Reading Response RLW-Edwin

One thing I learned from the essay “How to Read Like a Writer” By Mike Bunn was how to understand the writer’s choice, and how to read and learn from what you read. He also said how to keep sentences going without them being considered run-on sentences.

On page 75 it states, “For most colleges, RLW is a new way to read, and it can be difficult to learn at first. Making things even more difficult is that your college writing instructor may expect you to read this way for class but never actually teach you how to do it. He or she may not even tell you that you’re supposed to read this way.”

In these couple sentences, he explains how reading like a writer makes learning challenging at first. I can relate to this because I still sometimes struggle with certain articles and essays. I plan to incorporate this in my writing, letting my peers or anyone else reading my essays have a better understanding.

3 thoughts on “Reading Response RLW-Edwin”

  1. “how to read and learn from what you read. He also said how to keep sentences going without them being considered run-on sentences”. Hey some time you need a few run-on sentences to get that word count up to give that little extra push. I don’t think your only one who was struggling I don’t really like writing and it shows on my skills but I hope that you improve.

  2. “For most colleges, RLW is a new way to read, and it can be difficult to learn at first” I agree because this is a technique I like to develop more during class

  3. THis is not clearly written.

    For example, what do you mean here? “In these couple sentences, he explains how reading like a writer makes learning challenging at first. I can relate to this because I still sometimes struggle with certain articles and essays. I plan to incorporate this in my writing, letting my peers or anyone else reading my essays have a better understanding.”

    Bunn is NOT talking about sentence errors, so why do you write: “He also said how to keep sentences going without them being considered run-on sentences.”

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