Reading Response RLW – Manuel Lopez

“The type of writing: a poem, a newspaper article, an essay, a short story, a novel, a legal brief, an instruction manual, etc. Because the conventions for each genre can be very different, techniques that are effective for one genre may not work well in another.” (pg77,line12)Any literature or text  have  their own guideline that they follow depend on what their purpose ,like instruction manual fill with only opinions on how something  should be build instead of how it was intended use give directions of assembly by  the manufacturer. There is even an example of it in text “who ever heard of a 900- page newspaper article” you have to be practical when writing these thing then how would be the thing you want it to be. that not the only thing to it your making  horror movie but it became more of comedy as result of adding way too many jokes , writing has be sometimes stereotypical it what make it genre. There is literature that bridge the gap most of them were intentional for that it what make what the creators intended to do, Then they became center of a genre themselves.            

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