Today I went to the office as usual but no one from my graphic design department were in the office. They informed me from email that they were in a show and they would send me works from email to work on. Michael, from my department, assigned me to create a flyer showcasing the glow in the dark embroidery (light gray cap) and printing (black cap) processes we could do. He wanted me to send him previews while I was working.
My first idea was to have some vector figures wearing the caps as a display. I sent the image below to show him my processes and he told me to focus more on the caps and gave them like a Day/night or yin/yang type of style.
At last I came up with this design since the product was for nightclubs, resorts and other fun places. I made the caps bigger and used back and white to represent day and light.
I think one of the hardest thing working through email is the communication part because sometimes the instruction part may not be clear. I have to email back and froth to make sure if I am doing what my supervisor require.