Business & Technology of Fashion – BS
The Bachelor’s degree in the Business and Technology of Fashion (BTF) was created for students desiring to begin and develop careers in the fashion industry. The program provides a clear pathway into many employment opportunities coupled with basic business skills and a sequence of required and elective liberal arts courses. The core curriculum provides insight into the sociological and psychological factors which influence fashion interest and demand in today’s global market. With a rare focus on both business and technology, it is perfectly placed at City Tech, where we are able to take advantage of the technological strengths of the college in all of the forwardlooking high-tech approaches that are defining tomorrow’s economy.
The program requires 120 credits, and graduates will receive a Bachelor of Science degree in the Business and Technology of Fashion. Distinct modules allow students to select a specialization track attuned to progressive industry models and career opportunities. Current modules include Global Fashion, Innovation in E-Commerce and Fashion Merchandising Administration. Entry-level careers for graduates include merchandising, stylists, bloggers and sale associates. Some graduates may progress to positions as buyers, e-commerce executives, product line manager and fashion forecasters.
Learning Outcomes for the BS in the Business and Technology of Fashion include:
- Identifying and applying general business practices to the specifics of the fashion industry.
- Navigating modern fashion industry electronic resources, including e-commerce and social networking.
- Gaining knowledge of the fundamentals of business, including finance and accounting.
- Distinguishing between domestic and international processes, and adapting to inevitable changes in the fashion industry.
- Applying knowledge about the roles and functions of fashion industry sectors in which products are developed, sourced, produced, marketed, sold, and consumed.
Progression in the Business and Technology of Fashion Program:
For progression in the curriculum,
- A minimum grade of “C” must be earned in each course designated with the prefix BUF, BUS, or MKT.
- Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA. A student falling below 2.5 will have one semester to resolve this deficit. If a student fails to meet the above requirements, he/she will be required to withdraw from the BTF curriculum.
The college will grant a bachelor of science (BS) degree with a major in Business and Technology of Fashion upon satisfactory completion of the required 120 credits.
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