LAF 2021: Tuesday 4/13 5pm on Zoom. Featuring Spoken Word Artist Staceyann Chin

On Tuesday, April 13 at 5pm, join us on Zoom for City Tech student stories and our 2021 LAF featured writer,   STACEYANN CHIN.

Staceyann Chin is a poet and spoken-word artist who recently published her first full-length collection of what publisher Haymarket Books describes as her “feminist-LGBTQ-Caribbean, activist-driven poetry”, Crossfire: A Litany for Survival (Haymarket Books, 2019).  She is also the author of The Other Side of Paradise: A Memoir. 

An interview with Chin about the publication of Crossfire can be found here.
Select Performances:  (Crossfire reading, 2020)
If only out of vanity I have wondered what kind of woman I will be when I am well past the summer of my raging youth Will I still be raising revolutionary flags and making impassioned speeches that…
Brooklyn Academy of Music reading from new book, Crossfire
At Unbound— a literary series co-presented by BAM and Greenlight Bookstore—renowned LGBTQ poet and spoken word artist Staceyann Chin celebrated the release o…
Interview with Sarkazz:

A series of articles on her experience of LGBT Pregnancy & Motherhood:


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