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Transit Museum


The transit museum was interesting I was able to see photographs of the grand central landmarks. The image of men and women walking down the street where the process of grand central was on the scale of being built. construction on the terminal of where men and women walked down the street and the dust of asbestos being inhaled was a major health factor. The photography of the photographs was amazing, just the clarity of the photos in my opinion is well defined and sharp.

I was able to see the blueprint of grand central terminal and the the notes on how every detail should be put into placed. Trolley trains and horse and carriage was the form of transportation that were in most of the images I viewed. What also caught my eye is the architecture of the building and the craftsman ship it took to build the buildings. Overall i learned some history when i was in the archive museum and i also enjoyed visiting the transit museum and was able to see the older model train and the history behind the story. This was a very educational experience that i was glad to be apart of.


  • E.Watson -correspondence-Landmarks 1965-1970
  • The Municipal art society of New York 1968

35 Minute video reflection

I didn’t really enjoy this video compared to the other videos that we watched in this class, I enjoyed the beginning because we got to see our first tour guide Dan, but I didn’t enjoy the second part, because as I said, it felt like I was watching ESPN. I enjoy visually seeing the Terminal and not the discussion, I felt it was more opinion based which is fine. 

     I learned that the secret room was the deepest basement in I believe Manhattan, so I regret saying that I wanted to go there. I do not want to go there anymore, because I do not like being so underground because you can get trapped. I enjoyed seeing the “secret control room” because we got to see it already so it wasn’t a secret for us who went to the first tour with Dan. 

    Mostly everything the gentlemen stated was reiterated. I was bored. 

Transit Museum and Archive

Transit museum reflection 

       I have not received the picture that I requested in order to obtain a citation so I will just describe the picture that I saw at the archive. It was a picture of the main concourse and it was jam packed everywhere. I thought it was crowded now but seeing the picture I can’t imagine being in a place where it is that crowded. I enjoyed seeing the brochure for Grand Central Terminal as well, it was interesting to read. 

        The highlight of that day for me was definitely the Transit museum. I really, really enjoyed the trains. I began to design in my head what the next trains should look like, my favorite train was the one that they had running in 1927. I  liked it because it had more two seaters. I think that they should remove some poles because when you have a child in a stroller it is hard to maneuver on the trains with all the poles. 

    I tried to read every advertisement, most were very comical, and would not be allowed on the trains in 2016. Also although the costs of MTA keeps rising I understand it is for a reason because when the MTA almost went bankrupt because the car fare was 5 cents but it cost 10 cents for each rider. The one thing that I really disliked was the maps. I was getting a little annoyed because I am I’m so used to the color of the lines of the train. Over all the transit museum was a great experience and I would definitely go back. 

Archive vist

I really appreciated the archive visit. Understanding the way the photos were taken and focus of the photos that were taken were appealing. It was amazing experience looking through primary sourcesof grand central. Especially primary sources that map out the design of the building and photos of how they were going to plan where they wanted the building to be. What had my best interest were thw written notes the workers noted everytime something needed to fix after grand central were build. It was pages of everything that need to be adjusted after grand central open; including the amount of money that were spent to do the repairs and the materials they needed were just as expensive. I now understand why archives are so important because we can always go back to the primary sources and learn about how and why certain ideas are brought up to be created or build. It was amazing visit and i wish i had more time to look through the archives of many other things. You learn alot through these archives!