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Grand Central Wiki (Ullauri)

One of the perks of living in such an amazing city as New York is the ease with which you can find significant buildings all around you. Regardless of what borough your in, New York City has years of history that can be unveiled by simply choosing the right structure to look at.  An example of this can be found by studying Manhattan’s iconic railroad, Grand Central Terminal. After reading the Grand Central Terminal Wikipedia page, I found various facts about the rail road that I had no idea of. For starters, it is claimed as being one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions. It’s 44 platforms make it the rail road with the most platforms in the world. In addition to this, a random fact I found is that it’s more commonly known and referred to as Grand Central Station, which is the name of a nearby post office and not the actual rail road. On the more unusual side, the Terminal has a secret basement beneath the last floor that houses AC-DC converters. Apparently, this sub floor, known as M42, does not show up in any maps and has been a well kept secret that played a key role in World War 2. Finally, another fact that was surprising to me is that prior to it’s construction/layout, the final design for the Terminal was chosen through a competition that required participating firms to depict their version of what Grand Central should look like. Overall, the wiki page gave me enough facts to get me interested in the subject, but did so in a way that made me want to know more about it.