Author Archives: Natasha C.

reflection on penn station video

i think the video on Penn station was very informing. I was amazed to see that Penn station was once the 4th largest building and the original building was tall with high ceiling and spectacular lighting. I could imagine how much of a hassle it was to travel on the boat from Pennsylvania on the Hudson river and with the mass chaos going on in the water that bought on stress to the people.  It is sad that in the words of Vincent Skully” The city once was looked at as a God now looked in as a rat”. I think its ashamed that the Vanderbilt family felt they needed to out do  Alexander Cozad and build their building more grand and made Penn station look like trash. In my opinion i think Penn Station should’ve of been more grand today because it is just as important and has history like Grand central terminal.

William wilgus papers

The william wilgus papers were jus information and history of his life. The history and biographic information was based on his educational to hos career in engineering and lead him to become a civil engineer. The papers were just records of information that he recorded through his career. Also these papers weren’t just his pApers; it was also other writers as well.One of the intresting papers that stood out to me was the Private consulting practice in which these were records of engineer reports, scarpbooks, notes, drawings,blueprints; in which we saw at the archive visit. I can not recall of those record we seen at the archive visit were Wilgus but i did recall seeing alot of records of engineer reports and blueprints and etc. Especially the engineer reports were intresting because it was pages of reconstruction on certain parts of gran central station after it was build. I think those archives were william wilgus because he was the engineer and in the consulting practice it states that all his records were in chronological order. I think its also helpful he recorded everything down especially at that time grand central was build because today people can also go back to his work and figure out what he did to begin building GCT.

Archive vist

I really appreciated the archive visit. Understanding the way the photos were taken and focus of the photos that were taken were appealing. It was amazing experience looking through primary sourcesof grand central. Especially primary sources that map out the design of the building and photos of how they were going to plan where they wanted the building to be. What had my best interest were thw written notes the workers noted everytime something needed to fix after grand central were build. It was pages of everything that need to be adjusted after grand central open; including the amount of money that were spent to do the repairs and the materials they needed were just as expensive. I now understand why archives are so important because we can always go back to the primary sources and learn about how and why certain ideas are brought up to be created or build. It was amazing visit and i wish i had more time to look through the archives of many other things. You learn alot through these archives!

2nd tour

Today’s tour was interesting i learned a lot more information about the outside of the building in detail. Today i learned that the sculpture that is on top of the building who is Hercules which is the god of strength, the one whose next to him is mineve who represents mythology and the the messenger who is the god of commerce; The messenger represent transportation. Also it was interesting to know that when we was outside we were actually 400 feet above the underground railroads. Another interesting fact was the number six on the clock on top of Grand Central Terminal is an a door for those who does work on the clock and in addition the clock was manufactured by Tiffany co. I appreciate the second visit because i got to take a lot more pictures gain more information from the last visit and additional information,