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Transit museum reflection 

A  picture of the main concourse which was jam packed everywhere. I thought it was crowded now but seeing the picture I can’t imagine being in a place where it is that crowded. I enjoyed seeing the brochure for Grand Central Terminal as well, it was interesting to read. 

        The highlight of that day for me was definitely the Transit museum. I really, really enjoyed the trains. I began to design in my head what the next trains should look like, my favorite train was the one that they had running in 1927. I  liked it because it had more two seats. I think that they should remove some poles because when you have a child in a stroller it is hard to maneuver on the trains with all the poles. 

    I tried to read every advertisement, most were very comical, and would not be allowed on the trains in 2016. Also although the costs of MTA keeps rising I understand it is for a reason because when the MTA almost went bankrupt because the car fare was 5 cents but it cost 10 cents for each rider. The one thing that I really disliked was the maps. I was getting a little annoyed because I am I’m so used to the color of the lines of the train. Over all the transit museum was a great experience and I would definitely go back.

      The first source that I sought which I requested was a picture of GCT being heavily packed, according to the panflit it states that “Thousands watch orbital space flight projected by CBS into giant screen” I learned that at a time where not a lot of people owned a TV this was fascinating. I Am surprised that Grand Central Terminal does not still have a large screen their in 2016.

      The second source depicts Grand Central Station in its construction, I enjoying seeing the clock that is outside. I wonder what happened to it.

The two questions I would ask is what happened to the giant screen in Grand Central Terminal? How come they took it out? on what grounds?

My second question would be when will they make a new train?

Grand Central Terminal, ca. 1964-1968; Metro North Collection, GCT/NYC-PAM/01; New

       York Transit Museum



Grand Central Station, 08/20/1910; Subway Construction Photograph Collection, 1995. 72.3,     

      R1S5A_7135; New York Transit Museum

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