Archive vist

I really appreciated the archive visit. Understanding the way the photos were taken and focus of the photos that were taken were appealing. It was amazing experience looking through primary sourcesof grand central. Especially primary sources that map out the design of the building and photos of how they were going to plan where they wanted the building to be. What had my best interest were thw written notes the workers noted everytime something needed to fix after grand central were build. It was pages of everything that need to be adjusted after grand central open; including the amount of money that were spent to do the repairs and the materials they needed were just as expensive. I now understand why archives are so important because we can always go back to the primary sources and learn about how and why certain ideas are brought up to be created or build. It was amazing visit and i wish i had more time to look through the archives of many other things. You learn alot through these archives!

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