I kind of enjoyed hearing this podcast. Conducted as a talk news show keeps the listener interested. Although it is informative, most of the information was not new to me since reading Wikipedia and the official tours we were given provided most of the information heard on the podcast. However, the podcast had enlightened me with information that is new for me such as New York state giving Cornelius Vanderbilt and, his partner at the time, Burt Fulton a legalized monopoly to run ferry operations. Although the podcast was not done chronologically it is informative. I loved the fact that the podcast mentions Cornelius Vanderbilt’s current decedents CNN’s Anderson Cooper, and Gloria Vanderbilt who was known for her designer jeans that was popular during the late 1970s and early 1980s. The Bowery Boys also mentioned a quote made by William Wilgus, “taking wealth from the air” where real estate derived the concept “air rights.”
Hi Frances,
I came upon a post on Grand Central Terminal in film while looking on the Bowery Boys blog. I thought you might be interested in it!