Tina Brown. Grand Central Terminal

I really enjoyed our third time visiting grand central terminal because it gave us perfect congruent information that was not discussed before. Also we were able to get a more insight of the outside which is important because there is a lot more to Grand Central terminal then the inside such as the tour we had with dan. We were able to get explanation of the buildings around in such as the met life building which is formally known as pan-am which went bank rupt. My favorite part of the tour was the beginning and that was because from where we were standing on Pershing square (park Ave) also intersecting east 41st we were able to see large building but what stood out more is that at the point if you’re standing on that corner and looking at Grand Central Terminal, If you move 90 degrees to your left you will also see another short building and that is the New York Public Library. My second favorite thing was being able to visualize park Ave as the train yard that was there before on page 2 or 3of the pan flit that we were given. This train yard was 4-5 blocks long and took up park Ave. The third time I enjoyed was how we left Grand Central Terminal but when we exited we saw that Grand Central Terminal was to the left off is and we were on top of a building that used to be a hotel. Overall the experience was a great one, I got to learn more that I could apply to my research and knowledge of Grand Central Terminal.



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