2nd Official Tour of GCT

WP_20160616_009    I must admit that each and every single time I enter GCT I discover something new. Out tour guide today, Anthony Robins has shown us things we had not seen in previous tours. The image shown is reminiscent of the walking bridges that were built over the railroads before going underground.WP_20160616_003The missing Chalkboard. I have done extensive research, in the time allotted for our first site report, trying to find this classic chalkboard displaying the time schedules of arrivals and departure. Thank you Tony for showing us that one still exists in preservation.WP_20160616_002 Today we also learned about the various artists who contributed various parts of GCT. This sculpted water fountain was designed by Sylvian Salieres (accent on the 1st “e”). During the many times I drank water from this fountain , I could not resist to admire this “sculpture.” At one time or another I would wonder who was involved in making this master piece–now I know.

2 thoughts on “2nd Official Tour of GCT

  1. Susan Phillip

    Hearing your memories of playing hide and seek in GCT and now about the fountain enriches my own experience of the tour today. Thank you.


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