Guest Speaker Abby Subak

Second guest speaker Abby Subak, an art promoter and preserver visited our class to give us an insight of what she thinks of art and how it affects society. Her thoughts on art were enlightening, from discussing different spectrums of how art affects different aspects of society to giving us a better understanding of the Gowanus area. The effects of gentrification and the elevation of rent prices, she explains the struggles of artists trying to make a living while trying to sustain their artworks and ideas. With art, the guest speaker believes that it contains characteristics which holds value in its place for its ability in creating communities and much more. With much said, guest speaker Subak helped me realize that physical art alone has the capacity to bring people together to create special forms of energy for its surroundings. As a person that loves art but does not know much about physical artworks, I believe that artists are rare and as a city we should promote artists and their visions instead of depriving them from blossom.

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