Author Archives: Christopher Swift

Info about Housing

Dear all,

The admin assistant from the Humanities dept. just shared some useful sources regarding NYC housing that I thought I’d pass along (HPD group — if you don’t have these already):

City Council:

This link is the calendar of public hearings involving many city agencies.  There are a few HPD public hearings that were held earlier in the year. Click on the meeting details, agendas, minutes, and view videos. The  July 22, 2019 HPD hearing on Third Party Transfer is on page 5 of this calendar.

This is the video of HPD hearing in case the students have any difficulties locating it on the calendar. This hearing was 5 1/2 hours and long, but very informative.


Student Climate Strike (Friday September 20)

Hello students!

Here’s information about how to participate in the world-wide action that is occuring on Friday. Students are walking out of classes and adults from workplaces from every corner of the globe to protest the lack of action by governments to deal with the climate crisis.

Participation in this event counts towards your grade in the course.

Maybe we’ll see you there!


Prof. Swift

Drawing Assignment for Tuesday Sept. 12

Visit a specific outdoor space and observe how the space is used by people. Where does the walking traffic flow? Are there some sections that are less used than others? Then draw an architectural plan of the area, marking it in some way to show how the space is used. Your plan should contain all permanent elements that are in the space, both built (paths, walls, streets, buildings) and natural (trees, gardens, fields, etc.). The drawing should be done in your notebook/sketchbook and dated. Above are some examples that may get help you get started.